Monthly Archives: June 2021

Rollerblading (Freedom on wheels)

Rollerblading (Freedom on wheels)

Rollerblading, Rollerblade, also known as inline skating, is an extreme sport that dates back 300 years by 17th-century Dutch inventors. Global popularity and growing rapidly which is the reason for that popularity In addition to being a sport for competition There is also evidence that rollerblades can also

hula hoop for lose weight

hula hoop for lose weight

Does Hula Hooping Really Help You Lose Weight? Anyone who is wondering, today we have a  way to lose weight with hula hoop along with a hula hoop table to lose weight, let’s introduce each other. More and more people are turning to exercise by playing hula hoops. The hula hoop is a

8 foods with collagen, beautiful skin

8 foods with collagen, beautiful skin

Food with collagen, want to have beautiful skin chemical-free Why are you waiting, you have to hurry to find food with collagen to eat quickly  ! Want to have beautiful skin without the risk of danger, the simple way is to eat foods rich in collagen, sure enough. Which is the type of

5 exercises at home to reduce upper arms

5 exercises at home to reduce upper arms

Exercises at home to reduce upper arms, f during this period we rarely move. There is a chance that the body will accumulate fat, which some girls have enough body fat to increase. It makes the proportion expand more. Obviously, it wouldn’t escape the belly. Thighs and upper arms.